Excuse Me While I KissThe Sky

For Jimi
Photoverio images of the WALL -2- WALL Gallery
are accompanied by music videos handpicked
by yours truly.To hear the music, just click on the image.
The music may or may not have words.
The words may or may not
be in English.
The video may or may not be prefaced
by a sponsor who has yet to put
a penny in our pockets.The Sock It To Me video isn't exactly music
but when originally broadcast it did
induce laughter throughout
the entire world.
All music is dance music
if your inner child has
an inner dance floor.___________
My Personal Mt. Rushmore

The Brothers Oliverio: Namesake, Father, Monsignor & Most-talented Uncle. A/K/A: Paul, SAM, Frank, and Tony
Me And My Shadow

Frank is the shoe and the shadow is Sammy.
Shady Lane

Harrisonburg, Virginia: where there are 100 cows for every human but almost nobody knows how many chickens are there.
The Hornblower

Concerto for the trees.
I Could Use Some of That

Everyone needs it, even when it is found on the dock of the bay.
Gimme Some

Spencer Davis has something for you
Hairpin Crossing

Alter egos of the Louie Louie Dancers (see the GoodFather 2-DIE-4 PHOTO GALLERY).
Cartesian Sky

Celebration for a grey day...in a Richard & Mimi Farina way
The Girl With The Crescent In Her Back

She became a permanent star of the cyclone screen.
Another Star Of The Cyclone Screen

To protect her identity, a white strip conceals her eyes.
Shake That Midnight Bouquet

For the Light of my Day from her Shadow of Knight.
This Shadow Is In Love With Gloria

Presenting Petey Pointalista of Hazeburg, Virginia.
Silhouette Birds

Atop The Corrugated Mountain
Blazing With Blaise: Boppin' To His Balls

Get Funky with the Pascal Triangle.
When the Spirit is crushed...

It becomes a receptacle for Fresh Garbage.
ChuckleBerry Tree

The Chuck Berry song inspired another Berry (Richard) to write Louie Louie.
Sock It To Me

Un-shoed jogger's happy feet, available at Costco (the socks, not the feet).
Menage a Tree

Lily, the Who and me
In The Wake Of The Catalina Express

This song was inspired by a telephone conversation with someone 26 hundred miles east of Catalina.
Jazz On Pine Avenue

Between Broadway & 3rd (2006)
Virginia Sky

22832 in 2005

What would Boy George say?

That's what I want!
Tree Dog Night

"The world is white, the world is black," sang the Dog.
Where Gabriel Blew His Horn

The backrest of Mr. Morganfield's wrought irony park bench (Bridgewater, VA).
The Fowl Butchering Institute

The other FBI.
1950 Jefferson Yearbook Blur With A DARK TREE In 1989

(2nd from left, middle row), Horace Tapscott learned enough music to lead his own orchestra!
That Is NOT How The Del-Vikings Spelt It

An Oklahoma Interstate travel rest named for a doo-wop song.
Soft Lighting

Ligthing switch upon the wall, who is the fairest one of all?
He Believed In Monogamy...

Sometimes, for as many as 24 hours a day.
Approaching The Long Beach Jetty

Clouds cut a figure in the sand. Soft above, hard lines below.
The Clock

In the immortal words of Johnny Ace...
What Is The Point Of This?

To be blessed by Jefferson Airplane.
The Blue Fountain

JMU Botanical Garden (2005)
Do Not...

Be cruel to the pool of paramecium in the human sea.
Rope Rider On The Beach

A foursome is within reach.
Sky Zipper (Instead Of Being WALL-2-WALL, It Is 300 Feet Tall)

Is this a New Jersey Turnpike-adjacent transmitter or just another Turnpike oddity?
Multiple Choice

When posted on TRUML, a Polish social network, someone commented: "Randka w klopie." Translation: "Dating in the toilet."
Water Wall

May the force of the dinghy be with you.
A Pedestrian Question:

What did the street say to the stripe?
Dee Dee Sharp Has A Recipe For These Guys!

It started a long time ago
Astaire Way To Heaven

Fred is dancing in those clouds. Just Close your eyes and you will see him!
Skinny Legs And All

Joe Tex and happy feet.
A Framed & Shaggy Tale

From the Bolsa Chica Story Teller...But first a word from our "sponsor."
Manhattan Skyline In 4-Part Harmony

This is not a painting.
Aztec Isley Brothers

You know you make me want to SHOUT
#965: Brian Wilson Knows Who You Are

The Wednesday Headquarters of the Smiley Smile Society.
Solid Geometry

Brick by brick, survival can be satisfyingly thick (852 Ocean Blvd. 90802).
I Counted Seventeen Twigs And Then I Started Thinking...

About Twiggy in 1975.
Nora Charles Screened On The Silver Screen

What a delight to be married to Myrna Loy!
Another New York Image

Manhattan mannequin beached in Rocky Point (1978)
Mother And Child Reunion

Paul Simon was here
Did A Train Run Through It?

It's The Midnight Special...
A Screened-In, Black-Eyed Jimmy

Jimmy Stewart, that is.
Passion Fruit Spaghetti

All this wonderland needs is some home cooking.

It is the year of the cat.
Mellow Yellow

I'm just mad about Saffron. She's just mad about me.
Transparent Self-Portrait With Gratitude

Positively 4th Street @ Bonita (90802)
The Eternal Tree Stump Will Never Be Violated

Because it is protected by EL CORONA DE CRISTO.
And A Comment From HIS Untouchable Cactus Cousin

I don't mean to hurt you. But if you touch me, I will hurt you.
The Fibonaccis And Me!

The Fibonaccis were actually a disco band. This song is dedicated to Monica and Suzanne.
Orchids In The Moonlight

This is a bi-coastal CarPeo image with a soundtrack by the Platters
Illuminated Scrabble Tiles Served With Syrup And Four Sausages Or Four Slices Of Bacon.

Route 33, Hazeburg, VA
This Skyline Supports The American Cancer Society.

But it is not enough to make me quit smoking cigarets.
Spin It, Mustardseed

Cycle 2007, Long Beach Convention Center
Let Me Stand Next To This

In the words of Jimi Hendrix
The Getty Garden

In the Getty Garden, there is no poverty but in the Getto...

There's a moon out tonight.
Devil In The Sky

Photographed after surviving a night in the Norma Bates Hotel.
Ghost Rider

In the sky + ghost of Will Rogers

Somewhere along Interstate 40 in Oklahoma.
Praising Arizona

Terrain drops keep falling on your eyes.
Early Morning Commuter Blues

Baby, you can drive my car.
Preparing For Take-Off

3rd Street Island Garden (22832)
Dedicated To David Hockney

The "rls" pool is cool.
Cloud Worship

Getty Museum Spotted Plane Trees
Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

Harrisonburg Virginia has more John Deere Suppliers than Starbucks.
Two Hour Parking

Katonah, 2015
Bad Croquet (w/ Too Many Players)

Instead of wickets & croquet balls, there were rocks & a storm drain.
But You Can Exit

Frozen In Time

Indian Games
How Many Right Angles?

The easier question: How Many Left Angles? (That answer: NONE)
The Legendary Tenor Saxophonist Who Graded Higher In Football Than Music

Dexter Gordon was good enough to be nominated for an Academy Award (Round Midnight, 1987).
Beyond The Reeds, Across The Road...

Beneath the snow, they rest in peace.
She Was Moonstruck

Ronnie Cammerari and Loretta Castorini
Bring Me The Head Of John The Baptist

Milan, Italy (December, 2008)
Klee Salomes

Pronunciation = CLAY SAL-O-MAZE (Milan, Italy 2008)
What Would Popeye's Mother Say?

Maybe something like...Boola Boola Boola
The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine (Not Exactly)

But Simon & Garfunkel may tell you otherwise
#5 Pipeline

And the house they called home.
Staircase Portrait Gallery

"Pictures at an Exhibition"
Above & Below

But her image in my heart is ten times bigger than this. My mother's image in my soul...IS my soul!